Wednesday, August 6, 2008

WYD Special - Pre WYD (D-7) Reflection


I kept asking myself, as part of my preparation for World Youth Day in Sydney. So far, I've only attended 1 pilgrimage to Israel last yr. As I reflected back on my experience last yr, 1 particular incident striked me deeply.

On the 3rd day of our pilgrimage in Israel last Mar, our spiritual director noticed how our group was mixing in their cliques. Majority of the pilgrims were from the parish of IHM, with a few couples from other parish/country. Naturally, a few of them felt left out, esp. during meal times. Our SD shared this with us : Every time he comes to visit the place of Bethlehem, he recalls the birth of our Lord Jesus. When it was time for Mary to give birth, many inn-keepers rejected her & Joseph. They simply have no rooms left. Our Lord & Saviour came to dwell among us, only to be rejected. As a pilgrim group, we come now, united as a body of Christ. We are no longer divided by race, nationality or parish. We should learn to open our hearts to welcome others as how we would like to embrace Jesus during this pilgrimage. This strikes many of us as we heard him share the story.

So, what is a pilgrimage? Is it about a destination? Is traveling to Sydney considered a pilgrimage? As I search deeper, I come to this understanding : it is about a spiritual journey - an inward journey to the "inn of my heart". Ultimately, I need to make space to receive Jesus. And to do so, I need to recognise the vehicles that carry him. 2000yrs ago, he came via Mary & Joseph. Today, He comes in the presence of the fellow pilgrims that I will journey in Sydney. To prepare for my trip, I realized that there are many things I need to pack. Many things to squeeze into my bags. But as I packed the many thick piles of clothes into my backpack, I cannot help but to be mindful to keep some space within them. A space for the most essential things that I must bring along for this pilgrimage : love, embrace, and our Lord Jesus.

"My prayer for this pilgrimage is to be a more caring & loving friend & group leader. That the people around me will be my way of encountering Christ. They will be my catechesis. Should I fail in any way to be Christ-like, may they be Christ to me in their gracious mercy & love. May I find strength in their love. Amen."

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