Upon a friend's recommendation, we arrive at Manly Beach today to partake in their famous fish n chips. As we stroll along the beach after lunch, I was fascinated by the beauty of the vast sea before me. I decided to take a short rest, before whipping my camera out for some pictures.
Any photographer will tell you that apart from skills, taking a good picture requires patience.
But strangely enough, nature sometimes have their own course to run. And some things just cannot be hurried. And we can put this "waiting time" to good use. Before the next onslaught of waves rushed in, I saw these surfers peddling themselves further into the ocean. Once the waves come, they would steady themselves on their boards to ride the waves. The same could be said for me as I waited for the arrival of WYD. To encounter Christ through the event, I got to wait.
As part of our WYD prep, we have already been warned by veterans of past WYD participants, that THERE WILL BE lots of waiting. Waiting for transport, food, etc. But waiting need not necessarily be wasted. Like the surfers, there's something to be learnt, to be put to good use.
And so, what happened during the course of WYD was that while queeuing for toilets, I took this "wasted time" to know my fellow pilgrims - to exchange faith stories.
So, the next time I deemed waiting as a waste of time, I need to review this thought again. Perhaps, I'm missing out something here. 'Cos if nature has a "waiting time" built into its course, then perhaps, I too need to weave that into my life as well.
And before I know it, dawn has arrived. Yes, we have waited for this moment. It's once again, time for me to take out that camera for another shot. And Thank You Lord, for allowing me to wait for this moment to encounter You in this beautiful sunset.
"I wait for the LORD,
My soul waits, And in his word I hope;
My soul waits for the LORD
More than watchmen for the morning,
More than watchmen for the morning.
O Israel, hope in the LORD!
For with the LORD there is steadfast love,
And with him is plenteous redemption.
And he will redeem Israel from all his iniquities."
~ Ps 130 : 5 - 8
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