Honestly, i couldn't figure out why we must go through a vigil with the Pope to mark the closing of WYD. Is this really necessary? Braving the cold winter night outdoor, breathing the dust at the racecourse, crowding with many other thousands of pilgrims for a bed space, toilet facilities (yes, the list of complaints go on)....Though i may not necessary possess a satisfactory answer but the vigil has taught me a thing or two...
1) Faith is not a bed of roses
It is one thing to declare that Jesus is Alive in the comfort & warmth of my home and it's another thing to share this faith with many others when the going gets tough. Having to carry my own sleeping bag, mat & outdoor clothes, to travel a journey to the racecourse for the vigil is no laughing matter. No roses, only a bed of dust awaits. But the Gospel text reminded us that whoever wants to be a disciple of Christ must first learn to deny himself, take up the cross & follow Him. The final acid test is here : how far will I go for Jesus?
2) Faith is not a lonely journey
Faith is never about me & my sweet Jesus only. It is feeling solidarity with our brothers & sisters. Tonight, i finally got to experience what it means to be out in the cold & to feel hungry. Faith is about awareness that my bro/sis around me is in want/need. Reaching the Racecourse, I noticed how 2 frens were accompanying a handicapped fren to the vigil. They took turns throughout the night to ensure that their fren is kept warm. Wherever possible, they tried to help him out of his wheelchair, to stand up & feel the atmosphere - the spirit of the energy & the sure presence of our Lord. That to me, is faith. I'm not there just to receive, but also, what have i given (of myself)? That is, a more important question than "what's in it for me?"
3) Faith is about witnessing
"stand up and be counted" so they say. Perhaps not in the literal sense of every word. As we left
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
~ Hebrews 11 : 1
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