For me, the word "Authority" often gives a negative connotation. It brings back memories of army and work. As a common saying goes in the army, when they ask you to jump, don't ask why but how high? When they ask you to run, don't ask why but how far? Yes, that's what authority is - just do it! no questions ask.
Just when I thought I was liberated with the end of national service, I realize that the corporate world too, can sometimes be run by dictatorship. I'm sure many would agree with me that not all decisions made here is 100% objective all the time. Once in a while, decisions have to be made based on subjective (gut) feelings. Sometimes, it could really all voice down to the choice of a colour - red or green (for example). And how many times, we have heard complaints (whether by someone else or silently in our heart) that go "Okay, if you say so. What to do? You are the boss." And what made it hard to stomach sometimes, is the fact that these decisions may not necessary end up to be the best ones. At times, they are only a matter of preference, and not knowledge.
Sometimes, authority can go in this direction. It is used (or abuse) to protect an organization, a tested tradition/system and often times, the very person who made that decision. As they say : Don't rock the boat! However, looking at how my nephew & niece are raised, I have learnt that authority can also be used to protect - the other party. One can often hear parents say : "Don't do this...Do that....I told you already, listen up....." But their intention is always for the well-being of The Other.
During the Sun's gospel reading (Feb 1), we hear the word Authority mentioned 2x. The first one was the way Jesus taught - with a sense of surety & expertise. He exist before the world was created and He's one like us in all things, except sin (Heb 4:15). He is not only all-knowing but He walks the talk. Indeed, He has all the right and qualification to speak with such certainty. Here, we are not toying with subjective decision making but one that deals with our eternal lives! Would and could you entrust your life to a doctor who operates you based on subjective gut feel? In this present age whereby globalization, consumerism and technology media is growing, we need ever more the authoritative teaching of the Church to guide us. She cannot act according to the "times of the world" or the fashion of the month. Hence, the importance to recognize the infallability of the church in her teaching on morality & ethics.
Next, Jesus taught with an authority that backed Him up. Often times, we hear the Pharisee questioning "by what authority & who gave the authority?" (Mk 11:28). They have failed to see 2 things : 1) Jesus authority stems from His concern for the OTHER party. It was never about Himself or to protect His ego. 2) God's divine nature is love. IF the Pharisees had been able to perceive this, they would be able to conclude that Jesus was backed by God's authority for God = love and Jesus taught with love. He taught not to add burdens; control people's freedom (Mt 23:4) but rather to liberate His people - to set the captives free and proclaim the favourable year of the Lord! (Lk 4:19)
Everywhere (in politics, in the church, on school playgrounds where bullies rule, in neighborhoods torn apart by drug dealers, and in the world at large where private interests often destroy community) there is a longing and a constant prayer for someone to come and use power in a redeeming way to make things better. The longing for a messiah is in fact a longing for a redeeming power to enter into our lives.
~ Ronald Rolheiser, Secularity and the Gospel: Being Missionaries to Our Children
Marking Memories
12 hours ago
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